Originally live-streamed on July 9, 2020.
Reaching Out Through Music recital.

 Normally, we would invite family, friends, and supporters to our year-end recital to honour ROTM choral and Instrumental students and to thank the supporters who enable us to bring music education to children and youth in the St. James Town community. Pandemic times are anything but normal, so like our music lessons, our recital has moved online.

The recital features our children’s choir, some of our instrumental students, members of our artistic staff, and special guests. We are immensely proud of our instructors’ graceful transition from in-person to online lessons.
In this era of uncertainty, we are forging ahead with plans for an exciting fall season of online music programs along with an expansion into other arts programming.

If you were unavailable on July 9th, please note that the recital video will remain on our YouTube channel for watching and sharing at your leisure. If you have contributed to ROTM recently, we are exceedingly grateful. If not, please consider a donation today, knowing that your support will make a huge difference in the lives of others.

Virginia Evoy
Executive Director